Frequently Ask Questions

We understand that you may not always know how materials go together to create the best, most durable product. You may have a general idea or know what colors you prefer so we are here to help. We can help you design the bag that suits your preferences. If that is too much of a hassle you can take a look at our Gallery where we post previous work done for other clients and you can choose the style. We will help you with the materials. Our stylists are available Tuesday – Friday, from 10 am to 4 pm EST, and are happy to guide you in creating a bag that you love. Email us at — we strive to respond to emails within 30 minutes but that may not always happen. We appreciate your patience.

TJM Designs is a sole trader company with limited staff. We are very selective on who we hire to do our work and as such items take a long time to make because it’s just our chief designer designing, creating, sewing, packing and shipping. Please be patient with us. We do not sacrifice quality for speedy delivery.

  • Store clutches flat when not in use and keep bigger bags made with leatherette stuffed to avoid creases.
  • Keep products stored in a dry and relatively cool place.
  • Do not store in direct sunlight. It may result in fading over time.
  • Most bags are made with fabric and can be washed. Place in a washing bag before washing on slow cycle or soak in warm water then rinse and leave to air dry. DO NOT MACHINE DRY.
  • Toys can be hand washed and air-dried.
    All products are made in a smoke-free environment. Some items are made in our home studio where there are cats and dogs. Each item is also handmade, so there may be slight inconsistencies making each and every piece unique.

Let them design their perfect bag with a TJM Gift Card!  Just email us at with the name of the recipient and the amount you would like to offer.  We will communicate directly with you by email to coordinate the payment and create a custom gift certificate with a unique code for the recipient to use when they orders their bag.  We can either email a high resolution PDF to you to print or ship the gift card in a gift box directly to the recipient, complimentary anywhere in Trinidad and Tobago. Additional postage cost may incur posting internationally.